about us
Providing loans to the business people at the base of the economic pyramid.

Kismat Credit Limited is a credit only microfinance institution registered under the Company Act, 2015. The Microfinance is situated in Mombasa County at AIC church Kongowea building 2nd Floor. The Microfinance has been operational since July 2020. The business seeks to be a market leader in supporting micro businesses in the Coast area and in the next five years its extension plan is to have branches in Mombasa, Mtwapa, Kilifi, Malindi, Mariakani, Changamwe, Kwale, Ukunda and Voi.
Our Values
Integrity – The company commits to treat all stakeholders with integrity, transparency and utmost honesty. The employees will be straightforward to each other, to customers and to the community.
Respect – Respect for each other and for the community and stakeholders
Teamwork – All employees commit to work together to the good of the company and to help realize the company goals.
Learning – Commit to consistent learning for both employees and customers through relevant training programs.
Our Vision
The Vision of Kismat Credit Ltd is to be a leader in providing financial solutions and business training in the coastal region of Kenya
Our Mission
We seek to empower our customers by offering them fast reliable and affordable credit solutions and provide them with essential business trainings.
Our Clients
We target businesspeople at the base of the economic pyramid. People who have businesses but are unable to access loans for their businesses from mainstream financial institution due to factors such as lack of conventional security.
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